Strong Legs in Sept Days 6-10


Are YOU participating in the Strong Leg Challenge for September?!
Here are the exercises for 9/6-9/10 as developed by the fantastic “1funfitmama,” find her on Facebook!!!😉💃👍 (she also was kind enough to make the picture seen above, as well!)

Tabata 1: Plyo Jack

Begin with feet together and lower into a squat, bringing the arms in front of you. Jump the feet out, landing in a squat and circling the arms up and over the head. Jump up once again; bringing the feet together and circling the arms back down.

Tabata 2: Back to Front Lunge
Stand with your feet together. Step right leg back, bending knees to lower into a back lunge, keeping left knee over ankle and coming onto the ball of your right foot. Raise your right leg back to starting position, then forward, lowering into a front lunge, right knee bent over ankle. Be sure to alternate legs every 20 second set.

Tabata 1: 180 Jump Squats

From a squat position, jump up and twist 180 degrees in the air so you land (in a squat) facing the opposite direction. Keep knees over ankles and hold belly button to core.

Tabata 2: Glute Kickback
Kneel on the floor or an exercise mat and bend at the waist with your arms extended in front of you (perpendicular to the torso) in order to get into a kneeling push-up position but with the arms spaced at shoulder width. Your head should be looking forward and the bend of the knees should create a 90-degree angle between the hamstrings and the calves. As you exhale, lift up your right leg until the hamstrings are in line with the back while maintaining the 90-degree angle bend. Contract the glutes throughout this movement and hold the contraction at the top for a second. Go back to the initial position as you inhale and now repeat with the left leg.

Tabata 1: Tuck Jumps

Begin in a comfortable standing position with your knees slightly bent. Hold your hands in front of you, palms down with your fingertips together at chest height. Rapidly dip down into a quarter squat and immediately explode upward. Drive the knees towards the chest, attempting to touch them to the palms of the hands. Jump as high as you can, raising your knees up, and then ensure a good land by re-extending your legs, absorbing impact through, allowing the knees to rebend.

Tabata 2: Plank jumps in & out
Start in a push-up position, hands under shoulders, navel to spine, toes on the ground, body in a plank. Jump feet between your hands, keeping your hands in the plank position the entire time. Jump feet back to starting position.

Tabata 1: Plié Jump Squat

Stand with your legs a little wider than shoulder width apart, toes turned out, knees over the ankle and hands on your hips. Rise onto your toes, bend your knees, and sit back, lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Jump off the ground, bringing your feet to hip-width apart and landing softly on your toes.

Tabata 2: Squat Hold Low
Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Bend knees and lower yourself into a low squat. Pushing your glutes back, like your sitting in a chair. Keep your knees in line with your ankles and hold, engaging your core throughout the hold.

Tabata 1
: Plyo Jack & Front to Back Lunges

Tabata 2: 180 Jump Squats & Glute Kickbacks

Tabata 3: Tuck Jumps & Plank Jumps In and Out

Tabata 4: Plié Jump Squat & Squat Hold Low

How are you liking this challenge?
Any requests for future Tabatas???? Comment below👇

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