Strong Legs in September


Welcome September!!!

Heres a new challenge for the month of Sept. focusing on lower body! Let’s get some legs😉

Each first-fourth day of the month, two tabatas per day, one w a cardio focus, other with a strength focus. Each exercise is to be done 8 times for 20 seconds as hard as you can go, with 10 seconds of active rest in between 20 sec segments.
And the fifth days are Super Strong Challenge Days! So those take each of the four days prior’s exercises, combined together for 4 diff Tabata sets.
Any questions? Just ASK😃

Full Desriptions of each Exercise:
Plyo Lunges: Begin standing in a lunge, inhale and sink down as low as works for your body, on your exhale explode jumping up, and switch your legs into the opposite lunge. And continue repeating, jumping from side to side between lunges. Pull your navel in towards your spine the entire time, keeping yourself nice & tall from the hips up, sink the back knee down as low as you can go, and keep your weight in your front foot’s heel.

Shoulder Bridge with Inner Thigh Squeeze: Lay on back, feet about hip distance apart, heels pressed into the ground. Inhale down, and on your exhale, beginning at the tailbone, lift up into a shoulder bridge. Hold hips up, squeezing the glutes, still pulling bellybutton to spine, and with hips staying lifted, squeeze thighs together on your exhale, and inhale open the legs. Repeat for 20 secs…for 10 sec rest, you choose either release hips down to the floor, or for an added challenge try just holding hips up (w/o the thigh squeeze for your 10 secs of rest between 20 secs of work).

High Knee Run: Standing up tall, bellybutton in towards the spine, begin running in place (or if you have the space, feel free to move around), lifting the knees up high, trying to get the thighs lifting up higher than hip height. If needed, take it into a light jog and return to high knees when your body allows (just make sure you’re challenging yourself the whole time😉).

Plie Squat Holding Low: Standing with feet wider than hip distance apart, toes pointing towards opposite corners, bellybutton in, tailbone tucked under, lower your body down, keeping glutes tucked under (pretend you’re between two walls, this isnt a squat where you pop your booty back😉) and HOLD at the lowest point. For the 10 sec rest, either come to standing and march, OR try added challenge of doing plie squats up & down during your break between 20 sec holds!

Lateral Leaps: Start in a low one-legged squat on right leg, right hand reaching toward floor (as shown). Push off with right foot, leaping 3–5 feet to the left. Land softly on left foot, sinking back into a low one-legged squat (keep knee over ankle) with left hand reaching toward the floor. Push off with left foot, and leap 3–5 feet to the right. Keep repeating.

Walking Lunges: Step forward with one leg. Land on heel then forefoot. Lower body by flexing knee and hip of front leg until knee of back leg is almost in contact with floor (or as low as your body allows). Stand on forward leg with assistance of rear leg. Lunge forward with opposite leg. Repeat by alternating lunge with opposite legs.

Squat Jumps: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Start by doing a regular squat, weight in your heels, chest lifted, engage your core and jump up.
When you land, lower your body back into the squat position, and repeat.

Double Leg Lower: Keeping legs extended to the sky, working right into this exercise from the pulses, slowly and controlled lower the legs down towards the floor (as low as you can go without the lower back arching off the ground), and lift back up until the legs are back over the hips.
Modification: Bend at the knees, or place hands under the tailbone to help protect the lower back.

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