Tag Archives: sixpack

Abs in August Week One Part 2

AND my friends also completing this Abs in August Challenge, here are the exercises to be done on the even dates on the first week of August (8/2, 8/4, and 8/6).
Please see my post from 7/31/13 further detailing the challenge.

Who’s doing this with me?! 🙂

Abs in August Video

Sorry I didn’t put this on here earlier! But here is my video showing the exercises to be done for Abs in August on 8/1, 8/3, 8/5, and 8/7.
Please see my previous post for additional information on the Challenge!

Let’s do this and get Six Packs before September 😉

Abs in August


I have been inspired to do a little Operation Abdominal region for myself, and for anyone else who wants to hop along with me.
And just to help even more with pushing this accountability and progress, I’m making an “Abs in August” challenge! Each week I will post workouts to be ADDED to what you’re normally doing for working out, or if you’re new to working out, to be done and maybe add in some light cardio, walking, whatever in addition to these exercises.
They’ll meant to be an extra push, not the Only push 😉
I will also be posting You Tube videos of the exercises, so watch out for that, too!


30 Second Plank Hold
20 Scissor Kicks
30 Russian Twists
20 Reverse Crunches

30 Crisscrosses
20 Roll-Ups
30 Double Leg Stretches
50 Second Plank

40 Second Plank
25 Scissor Kicks
35 Russian Twists
25 Reverse Crunches

35 Crisscrosses
25 Roll-Ups
35 Double Leg Stretches
60 Second Plank

50 Second Plank
30 Scissor Kicks
40 Russian Twists
30 Reverse Crunches

40 Crisscrosses
30 Roll-Ups
40 Double Leg Stretches
60 Second Plank

60 Second Plank
35 Scissor Kicks
45 Russian Twists
35 Reverse Crunches

Repeat each day’s workout through as many times as you’d like!

Exercise Descriptions:

Plank: Laying prone (facing the floor) place either your forearms or wrists down on the ground. With toes curled under, lift off the flour, and make a straight line with your body from the crown of your head to your toes (or modified, to your knees). HOLD. Tip: Pull your bellybutton in towards your spine and stay strong through the hips; Do not allow the hips to sag towards the ground or the butt to stick up in the air.

Scissor Kicks: Lay supine (back on the floor), with legs extended out long, raise them about 1-2 feet off the ground, keeping your lower back pressed into the ground (if you’re arching through your lower back, lift the legs higher). Separate legs out to the sides, and cross legs in the center. Continue opening and close/crossing legs.

Russian Twists: Begin seated, knees bent, either with feet on the ground or lifted in the air. Sit up tall and proud through your chest and straight through your back. Twist through the waist to one side, keeping hips planted and facing forward, bring back center, and twist to the other side.

Reverse Crunches: Lay supine on the ground, lift legs up perpendicular to the ground (either straight or with a bend at the knees). Contract the abs, and lift the hips up off the floor (picture someone sliding a blanket under your hips, and you are lifting them to help out), lower with control. Tip: Keep from using momentum to lift hips, and make sure the movement is slow and controlled.

Crisscrosses: Lay supine, bend at the knees and bring the legs into tabletop position (shins parallel to ground). Place fingertips behind the head, elbows stay wide, and exhale, pulling the navel in deeper towards the spine while twisting one armpit towards the opposite knee and simultaneously extending the opposite leg out long. Switch, staying controlled through the hips and twisting at the waist.

Roll-Ups: Lay supine, legs long, arms extended long overhead. Inhale bringing arms up to the ceiling, and slowly with your exhale while pulling the navel in towards the spine, roll up to seated one vertebra at a time. Slowly lower back down to the ground, and repeat.

Double Leg Stretch: Lay supine, exhale bringing your knees in towards your chest, arms towards your feet (curled into a ball position). Inhale, extend arms long overhead and legs long in the opposite direction (keeping arms and legs lifted off the ground), exhale pull it all back together into a ball, and repeat.