Tag Archives: clean

Spinach & Bean Soup

Here’s a super simple soup recipe! (And super tasty!)



-5 cups low sodium chicken broth

-2 cups tomato puree

-1 onion, diced

-2 cups Great Northern Beans

-3/4 cup dry rice

-1 package frozen spinach (or a crap load of fresh, or even kale would be Awesome!)

-Spices of your choosing (I chose parsely, black pepper, and italian seasonings)

1. Combine all ingredients in the crockpot. Cook on low for about 4-5 hrs.

2. Enjoy! (It really is that easy!)



Healthy “Poptart”


I had to share this new healthy “poptart” I just made because its AMAZING! (OR really the “frosting” on top was beyond amazing, and I think I could eat it straight…But the whole thing did taste pretty awesome!)

Have you tried one of these healthy poptarts yet? They taste better than poptarts, you seriously feel like you’re eating something not very healthy, but it is!
I love that!

No more talkin, here’s the recipe:

Ingredients Your Strong Bod Needs:
-1 tortilla of your choice (I used a rolled oats and flaxseed one)
-1 Tablespoon PB2, combined with water, to a peanut butter consistency
-1 teaspoon fresh fruit smashed up (raspberries here)
-1 teaspoon nut butter
-1 Tablespoon Chocolate Shakeology powder
-1 teaspoon water (or more, depending on the consistency you’re looking for)

Things Your Strong Bod Will Do:
1. Spread PB2 and fruit smash onto center of tortilla.
2. Fold tortilla into a rectangular shape.
3. Cook on stovetop for about 1 minute, each side.
4. Combine nut butter, Shakeology, and water to a frosting-like consistency.
5. Spread “frosting” on one side of the tortilla.

Public Market


Do you shop at your local public market?

One of the things I was most excited about moving back to Rochester, NY was for our amazing public market. Don’t get me wrong, I loved living in Pittsburgh, and there were a ton of things that I would never change about it there. But unfortunately their markets were lacking. :-/

In Rochester, the market is as much a part of my Saturday morning routine as my workouts, my Pilates class, and even my breakfasts!

So WHY is it beneficial to shop at a local farmers market?

1. Price! You will not find the quality OR quantity that you can find at the market at your grocery store. It’s just not going to happen. You’re getting affordable, quality products straight from the farmer.

2. Quality! You are getting the crops straight from the farmer. The selection is Fresh, and what is being sold is what has been produced within just days of being harvested. Those berries you’re buying were probably just picked within the last few days. The food goes from farm to your kitchen. Rather than from the farm to the warehouse to the grocery store, and then finally to your kitchen.

3. Personalization! Not sure if this is the best word for what I mean, but what I’m saying here is that you get to talk direct to the people growing your food. You don’t get this at Tops, Wegmans, Price Chopper, or even Trader Joes. You can find out about their growing methods, you could probably even set up a time to visit their farms if you so wished. And I love making connections with some of the same farmers I always go to. When they know your name, the time that you normally come to the market, and can pretty much guess the selection you’ll pick…That’s service 😉

4. Support Local Growth! This way the money is going back to your local economy, not big agribusiness GMO food conglomerates.

5. Variety! Different farmers have different techniques for their products, which will alter the produce, and they are right there, so you can ask them about these techniques, not just to make sure the food is safe, but to see how the techniques effect the taste.

6. FUN! I LOVE going to the market! The smell, sights, sounds: Its an experience! You can learn so much just listening to some of the conversations other customers are having with the farmers, or even as you walk behind other people browsing the market. I look forward to walking around and checking out what’s fresh and comparing all of the different products at the different stands there.

And here’s my tips to you:
Go either super early or super late.
The crowds get CRAZY and that can really ruin the experience, or force you to just hurry through and pick the first things you see of what you’re looking for, in an effort of getting out of the crowd quickly.
If you go early, you will have the best selection of foods. Nothing that has been picked through, squeezed, smelled, etc. And often the most sought after produce will be sold out by the end of the market.
And if you go later, you’ll get better deals. Stands often decrease their prices in an effort to sell the remainder of what they’ve brought. Keep a close eye on the selections, and you can save a ton in the hour or half hour before the market closes up.

Go with a plan.
Once again, failure to plan is planning to fail. Write out some meal ideas for the week so that you know what you need and what you don’t need. There’s nothing worse than getting home from the market realizing you needed onions and forgetting to buy some 😦

Try New Things.
And ASK the farmer for suggestions on how to cook it and how they like it best. Sure, you can get home and google it, but these farmers are a true wealth of knowledge! Don’t be afraid to ask them, and then visit them next week and let them know how you liked their suggestion and their food!

Paleo-ish Sugar Cookies


YUM! These turned out even better than I imagined!
The only fat in these is the healthy fat from 1 egg, coconut milk, & the almond meal and coconut flour…There is a decent amount of sugar, but its from honey. Live a little! 😉
And as usual, these are eyeballed amounts, so please feel free to adjust to your liking.  Now that I know these taste so good, I will definitely be making again, and for all of you clean eaters out there, I’ll be sure to measure next time!


  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 3 Splenda packets (yeah…not too Paleo, i know, i know)
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened plain coconut milk (could substitute your milk preference)
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1/2 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup almond meal
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Beat together applesauce, Splenda, and honey.
  3. Add 1 egg. Beat together.
  4. Add coconut milk & vanilla. Beat together.
  5. In a separate bowl, combine coconut & almond flours, baking soda, and baking powder.
  6. Add dry ingredients to the wet & combine.
  7. Place on greased cookie sheet (my cookies were a bit on the large side-Overflowing spoons, so adjust cooking time accordingly).
  8. Cook for approximately 25 minutes-But keep checking after about 15 minutes!
  9. Enjoy!

Paleo-ish Buffalo Chicken


I LOVE hot sauce & buffalo chicken.
Here’s a tasty, satisfying dairy-free, gluten-free, Paleo-ish buffalo chicken recipe I threw together!

4-5 Chicken breast tenders
1 egg white
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1/2 cup hot sauce (I used Franks’s)
Garlic powder, to taste

1. Bake chicken breast at 350 until cooked through.
2. While chicken is almost cooked through, combine egg white, coconut milk, hot sauce, & garlic powder in a small bowl.
3. When chicken is cooked, dice/shred the chicken up into smaller pieces.
4. Add sauce mixture to chicken.
5. Bake at 325 for approximately 15 minutes.
6. Enjoy! 🙂

Paleo-ish Buffalo Chicken


I LOVE hot sauce & buffalo chicken.
Here’s a tasty, satisfying dairy-free, gluten-free, Paleo-ish buffalo chicken recipe I threw together!

4-5 Chicken breast tenders
1 egg white
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1/2 cup hot sauce (I used Franks’s)
Garlic powder, to taste

1. Bake chicken breast at 350 until cooked through.
2. While chicken is almost cooked through, combine egg white, coconut milk, hot sauce, & garlic powder in a small bowl.
3. When chicken is cooked, dice/shred the chicken up into smaller pieces.
4. Add sauce mixture to chicken.
5. Bake at 325 for approximately 15 minutes.
6. Enjoy! 🙂