Tag Archives: burpee

I love Burpees!


Yes, you read that correctly…I just love burpees.
I think they are one of the most perfect exercises out there, they incorporate the whole body, get the heart rate up, and improve strength!
But if you know me, you know I get bored with the same exercise too quickly, and need to find ways to mix things up.
SOOOO without further ado…Here are some BURPEE VARIATIONS!!! (aka the most fun you’ve ever had in your life 😉 )

1. Traditional Burpee (without a pushup)
-Begin standing, squat down, place hands on ground, jump feet back into plank position. Jump feet back in towards hands, and jump up!

2. Burpee w/ Pushup-Complete the traditional burpee, but while out in plank position, complete 1 pushup.

3. One-Legged Burpee
-Begin standing, squat down, place hands on ground, jump one foot back into plank position with other leg lifted off ground. Jump back in on same foot. Make sure to alternate sides after each set.

4. Tuck Jump Burpee

-Complete the traditional burpee, but when jump feet back in towards hands, jump into a tuck jump, then land squatting down ready to go into your next burpee.

5. Dumbbell Press Burpee
-Using a dumbbell in each hand, complete a traditional burpee, but when you stand back up, bring dumbbells with you and do a shoulder press up. You can hold onto the weights as you place hands on the ground and jump into plank, as well (it even helps some people because it keeps your wrists straight when you’re down in plank).

6. Modified Burpee
-Have no fear, anyone can Burpee! To take out a jumping component and make it lower impact, squat down, place hands on the ground, step one foot back, then the other, into plank position, then step one foot in towards hands, then other foot in, and come to standing.

7. Side Burpee
-Complete a traditional burpee, but instead of jumping feet straight back behind you in plank position, jump them out to the side, and then back in towards your hands.

8. Lateral Jump Burpee
-I like to place something down as a guide for doing these (sometimes I’ll use a body bar or even a resistance band just laid down on the ground straight). Standing on one side of the line (made by a body bar, band, jump rope, whatever you find), place hands to ground, jump feet back into plank, jump feet back in towards hands, and instead of jumping straight up, leap to the side over the bar/band/rope/etc. and complete a burpee on that side. Keep leaping from side to side between burpees.

9. Plank Jack Burpee
-Complete a traditional burpee, but while feet are out in plank complete a plank jack (jump legs out wide and then back in together), and finish the burpee.

10. BOSU Burpee (My personal favorite)
-Holding a BOSU, flat side up, bring BOSU down to ground while you squat, jump legs back into plank, jump feet back in towards BOSU, and jump up lifting the BOSU overhead as you jump up.

11. Superman Burpee (I suggest doing this one on a mat, if you’re picky about laying on the ground)
-Squat down, hands to ground, jump legs back, lay body completely down on ground, reach arms up overhead & lift chest off ground while simultaneously lifting legs off ground (you will be in a “Superman” position), lower arms and legs, return hands to ground, jump feet in, jump up, and repeat.

12. Frog Burpee
-Squat down, bring hands to ground, jump legs back into plank, jump legs in WIDE keeping hands to the ground and squatting the booty down to the ground, jump legs back out into plank, jump legs back in wide, jump up, and repeat.

13. Around-the-world Burpee
-Complete a standard burpee, but as you jump back up, jump with a 90 degree or 180 degree turn (depending on the intensity and impact you want with the jump). Keep turning with each jump up at the top of the burpee. (Don’t get dizzy 😉 )

14. Side Plank Burpee
-Bring one arm down to the ground, jump legs back and to the side into a side plank, jump legs back in and then jump up. Don’t forget to alternate sides. (This ones tough!!!)

AND I think that’s it for now! I know there are SOOOOO many other variations you can complete on the standard burpee, so this may absolutely be something I will come back to with more ideas for ya in the future!
I’ll update the blog when I get a Youtube video of each of the above BURPEES 🙂

Have fun and stay strong, friends!!!